Share Attunement, Bless The World

One of The Many Faces of Attunement

◄ by Paula Bergeron – Grafton, NH ►

Paula Bergeron is founder and owner of Good Dogma, a Canine Rehabilitation and Training Center. She is an Attunement Practitioner in New Hampshire.

It is amazing to me that I find I am booked a full two months ahead. I never would have dreamed that would happen to me. What it tells me is that people are longing for the energy that happens here. It is far from perfect but I am committed to keeping the core of Good Dogma to be about bringing people into mindfulness, and to come into some level of attunement with beings (dogs) who can not help but be in tune with the natural rhythms of all that is. I am even more amazed that people are open to what I am saying about energy….here… in Grafton…. where conservative minds rule. Their hearts are broken open by the love they have for their dogs and it makes space for new ways of thinking and being. It is certainly not something I am observing on a cosmic scale… but it is something I am seeing, a softening even within some very hard people who speak in very hard ways… and yet here they are, open to energy and attunement because they love a being who depends on them. It is a beautiful thing!

6 thoughts on “One of The Many Faces of Attunement

  1. I share your sentiments about dogs – how they melt the human heart through their simple giving always. I salute you and am very grateful for the work you are doing. Thank you. Vicki Edwards

  2. Thank you for your work with animals. I walk and work with shelter dogs 4 days a week. I do not get to witness the connection between owner and their dog but I do have the honor of watching the dogs relax, learn to trust and find some peace during their stay at the shelter. Attunement is such a gift to give and receive. Thank you for honoring them.

  3. And so the cycle begins and the circle widens.
    You followed your heart, your peace, your rhythm and the world is made a better place.
    Thank you, dear Paula.

  4. I LOVE attunement with animals! Thank you for sharing your experience and for what you are providing. I have two cats and a chocolate lab puppy with whom I enjoy sharing attunements. They provide a loving place for the healing energy of attunement.

  5. Paula, what an uplifting post to read first thing on Monday morning, which also happens to be the first day of spring! I too live in a very conservative area of the country and found myself incredibly discouraged by the global experiences taking place the many past months, but when you hear/read about these messages of love and acceptance taking place then it makes it easier to move forward in light and love. Thank you for sharing.

  6. So happy to see your name on the screen this morning… and to read what you have written about your work. More and more it seems, Attunement (by design) got released into the larger frame in order that it could be expanded and dispersed in many other creative and beautiful ways… like a language that, when filtered through individual’s creative arisings, invites new colors, sounds, expression. What an amazing gift you share with the field through your creative use of Attunement. Whenever I see you and your troop on FB or in person, the Attunement energy is SO palpable. I always feel the emergence of an energetic that might be captured as: “Rock On, Paula, Rock On.” Your work is such permission and encouragement for each of us to reach inside and find our own flavor and expression of this beautiful energy. Thank you for sharing a piece of your story. Rock On, Paula (and all the rest!)

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