Share Attunement, Bless The World

The Perfect String

◄ by Jan Vanderwood – Hancock, NH ►

This is a writing that came to me in response to recent experiences while at the Hancock Attunement Retreat with Andrew Shier and Paul Price, as well as my own sharing of Attunement.


The Perfect String

It occurs to me, again, how words can get in the way of describing a process; how difficult it is, at times, for the mind to wrap its understanding around a concept.

Such is the concept of balancing the cervicals. Could it be that, in the midst of the ever renewing healing relationship, what is coming into balance is not necessarily the cervicals; but rather the practitioner coming into alignment with the perfection of the client, which is always in balance? From that point of harmony – or agreement – between the two, the client’s system is opened and tuned to their own perfection; much like tuning a guitar to its first perfect string.

We all have this first perfect string.

6 thoughts on “The Perfect String

  1. There is no greater healing than connection/resonance of Universal Primal Love Vibration

  2. Thank you for being able to put into words what occurs during an attunement prcess.

  3. Stellar, Jan. This provides for me such a felt sense of Oneness. Thank you for your words.

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